Welcome to the portal for placing orders for the various 3D-printing services for life science applications provided by U-PRINT. We are funded by Uppsala University and SciLifeLab Uppsala. You can read more about the different technologies offered by U-PRINT on our main homepage.
In order to initiate a new project, first create a user account and proceed via "Request a meeting". Alternatively, if you already have design files ready to 3D-print you may submit them directly via "Order parts 3D printed from existing designs".
We welcome projects from other countries, projects that are in collaboration with a Swedish University are prioritized.
Request a meeting with U-PRINT staff to start a new project
If you have designs ready submit them in this order form to get you parts printed.
U-PRINT was established as Uppsala University's 3D-printing facility in 2016.
U-PRINT is supported by SciLifeLab, Uppsala University and AM4Life national competence center.